Protect The Bluff - Backyard Trapping
With the support of Predator Free NZ - the BHMET and Bluff Community are about to embark into the world of Backyard Trapping!
Following the amazing feedback the Trust received from Bluff residents in the Predator Free Bluff - What Next? consultation, it was decided to bring one of our long term projects forward to 2020. So begins our mission to Protect the Treasures of Bluff!
One third of Motupohue - Bluff Hill is made up of residential, commercial and industrial property. Many of commercial and industrial property owners undertake pest control playing their part in the eradication of rats, mice and possums. We are also blessed that so many Bluff residents have been trapping privately, keeping potential clusters of predators from forming in our urban and fringe areas.Back Yard Trapping Zones - Project Draft 2019
Trapping in your backyard has loads of benefits. It can help get rid of rats from your compost bin, save your roses and fruit trees from possums, but most importantly it can make your garden a safe place for our unique native wildlife to live and feed. We have roughly estimated that having a trap in every 3rd urban backyard is enough to create a safe environment for our native wildlife to flourish.
Whatever your reason for getting involved, we want to help you get started in the most efficient, effective and humane way possible.
PHASE ONE: 6th July 2020 Existing Trappers!
Do you currently trap pests in your backyard, live in the main Bluff Township and would like to see your catches count? Join us! Protect The Bluff Backyard Trapping is about to launch its new new community trapping project, but we really need to see where all the existing traps are.
If you have Victor traps, rat traps, bait stations, Goodnature automatic traps - anything that catches RATS, POSSUMS or STOATs, please consider emailing us at or complete the attached form. We can support you with discounted traps, pest trapping information, statistics for your street or just share the awesomeness you bring to keeping Bluff Pest Free!
PHASE TWO: 28th July 2020 New Backyard Trappers - Teams, Whanau groups and Individuals!
Your whanau can protect your property and help to ‘Protect The Bluff’ by becoming a Backyard Trapper. For a small donation (suggested $20), you can start with a Rat Trap Starter Kit:
- 1 x TRex,
- 1 x Pet-safe Tunnel,
- 2 x chew cards,
- TrapNZ registration,
- 1 x Letter Box Support Sticker,
- online or personal training –
- and most of all you get to contribute to making Bluff predator free!
- Each kit has help sheets, facebook invitations to our BYT group and for those who keep life real, not online, phone or personal contact with the ladies at the Bluff Service Centre
PHASE THREE: 28th August 2020 - Community groups, Greenpoint residents and organisations
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