BHMET takes on predator control monitoring for Pioneer Generation
The establishment of Pioneer Generation’s Flat Hill Wind Farm comes with an Ecological Monitoring and Management Plan (EMMP). Pioneer Generation (PG) contacted us and asked if the Trust would take on the predator control monitoring as outlined in their EMMP. We jumped at the chance to set up a trap network for possums and mustelids in Greenhills, an area just outside the Bluff peninsula.
The main objective of the Flat Hill predator control program is to provide a buffer between the mainland and the Bluff peninsula that will reduce the rate of reinvasion of possums and mustelids. PG’s program will give significant support to conservation management on Bluff HIll carried out by BHMET.
Peter and Estelle Leask, BHMET volunteers, installed 16 double set DOC 200 mustelid traps and 4 Possum Master possum traps at the wind farm. All 20 traps are baited and set to catch possums, ferrets, stoats and weasels, which will reduce the number of these pest animals coming into the Bluff area and help to protect our precious sea bird colonies around the coastline. Volunteer Rex Ryan will clear, bait and maintain the traps monthly.
Pioneer Generation provided startup funds to purchase the 20 traps and will make an annual donation to BHMET. We are proud to be working with a company concerned about their impact on the environment. PG is 100% owned by Central Lakes Trust and pays the Central Lakes Trust an annual dividend; this is invested back into the community via the community grants scheme.
Posted on: 13 September 2015